Friday, 19 September 2014

Brecht - Rob Alexander


We started the lesson with warmup exercises in the theatre, we grouped into pairs, my pair being sharnae, and was given different characters to play such as cat&mouse, poor&rich and coward&hero.
Then in pairs we was devided and told to stand opposite eachother on two sides of the room and scream a lullaby/child nursery rhyme as if it was a really important message your pair had to hear!

The class then grouped into fours my group was Sharnae, Fru and Justina our stimulus was to create a short freeze frame imagie with a begining middle and end. we decided quite randomly to create a scene about 3 people watching telly a burgler interrupting and then killing one of the family/friends who was watching the tv. Rob then decided he wanted us to add a slogan on to every scene; our first slogan was eastenders theme tune, our second was "its a hard not life" a quote from the classic film 'Annie' and finally 'GAME OVER' as the person was killed.
We was then told to add dialogue, we could add up to four lines per scene.
We then performed the plays to eachother, the group I liked was Tutu's as it was very unrealistic and imaginative with comical dialogue, their freeze frame images was about zombies.

I think we could of improved the scene by, making it flow easier, so instead of the tv somehow turning into a burgler which could have been easily mistaken by the audience maybe creating a gap to flow the burgler into the freeze frame image. Also maybe changing the slogans to make it more dramatic rather than comical.

Our next exercise was to create a freeze frame image like before but about something political, we decided to do a scene about 'Rape' and how society excuse some rape cases due to how someone is  dressed or their style. our first freeze frame image was sharnae grasping onto the floor and myself dragging her by her leg, our second freeze frame image was the structure of a court with the defedent, victim, judge and the criminal. we decided the defedent and criminal would have joint lines consisting of 'It was provogative' 'she was asking for it' and the judge dissmissing the case. Then the last scene was the young girl standing up with the audience to create their own enviroment for her and her use of dialogue was ' never judge a book by its cover, not everything is how it seems'

I think we were given these exercise as it links to brechts style completely, with the whole 'shoving it in the sudiences face' and making it blatent. i think our scene matched brechts style as their was no inbetween thoughts its either yes you agree that she shouldnt have been dressed provagtivley or no it shouldnt matter what style of clothing she was wearing rape is rape.

After lunch the class returned upstairs to watch a documentray on 'Brecht'.

Here are some notes I took down 

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