Tuesday, 23 September 2014

23/09/14 Sharon Mckevitt/Naomi

Criminal Justice

Sharon began the lesson with us walking around in a space for the room to gain full focus, we then discussed as a class what we spoke about last week at the Donmar Theatre on Criminal justice, before Naomi entered the lesson at 10:30.
from my first impressions of Naomi she's a very loud character with loads of energy, she introduced herself then we played a quick game introducing ourselves to her with an action to our name we then played a warm up game called 'hey you' this involves having a conversation between a pair using only 3 lines I think Naomi chose this game to see how we communicated with each other and how we would make ourselves stand out with these lines.

Naomi then introduced a game quite similar to what we do every morning with Sharon but slightly different, walking around in a spot changing direction then the sentence 'clear the space' your action would be to find the nearest wall and slam both your hands against it then the second sentence was 'roll' in any style you would have to do a roll on the floor and carry on with walking in the space straight away.

we then grouped into sixes, my group being Mishali, Emma, Eliot, Parys and Killah, we was given the question "Do you think Prison rehabilitates people?" we all had different opinions on this but the majority was no, my opinion on this is that it doesn't rehabilitate people because I don't think prisons have a very strong educational system I think prisons should spend more time teaching a criminal how to be a citizen when they eventually get out because there is still life after prison and this isn't considered when you're in there.

We didn't discuss the question instead Naomi put a chair in the Centre of the room and if you had a statement to say you would sit on the chair say it and if your peers agree they'd come close to you if they disagreed they'd go as far away as possible, there was interesting statements such as Giftys, her statement was that in the future we should have electrical bracelets to detect whether we were criminals or about to proceed in doing a criminal act, I strongly disagreed so much so I came out of the room; my opinion on this is that we will no longer be free human beings and the government will have full control over what we do and where we go if this was to happen also to the fact of technology will never be able to out rule a humans emotion and could never justify if someone would or didn't do a criminal act.
My statement on the chair was I think instead of sending young people to prison we should have a strict military camp or send them into war, I think this would awaken young people and also would be less costly and more beneficial in the teaching you would get there such as teamwork, obedience and self control, everyone agreed with my statement in the class.

we then got into groups of six again to do short freeze frame images demonstrating the words criminal, prison cell and justice we decided to stylize it differently and doing one freeze frame images with all these words included our first image included killah making a criminal act with Mishali then myself being behind bars with Sharnae and Hangela being the bars and me clinging onto their arms this is very abstract as we used them as an object we then had Emma at the end with her fist pumped in the air to represent justice.

I'm looking forward to next weeks lesson on what Naomi is going to  bring to the table from all our ideas, I truly think this is going to be a very interesting production will be making in the next four weeks.

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