Tuesday, 10 June 2014

28.04.14 site reading

We started the lesson with a vocal warm up, this was good as we are now starting to get back into an older routine before Midsummers night dream and begin to train our voices and be more articulated as we grew out of this habit. Akele took the warm up; we did 'oo oh ode' and tongue twisters such as red lorry yellow lorry. 

Rob then introduced us into something we hadn't done before, this was cold sight reading. There were 6 chairs lined and on each chair was a paper we had to pick up and read (cold) the paper could include anything such as history context, advertisement or poems. I had picked up an advertisement. I knew it was a advertisement by the language structure after the first sentence, it was very up beat and the text was selling itself about how to live your life to fill advantage. 

My feedback from the class was to stop moving around, and to slow down. I believe the 'dancing' was due to nerves and also the fast talking too 

We then spoke about how to contain those nerves and what auditioners are looking for when they give you something to cold sight read. 

I thought this lesson was very useful as it gave me the knowledge to prepare myself for upcoming auditions. 

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