Sunday, 15 June 2014

Some explicit polaroids essay

 Jade ward McFarlane 
Modern theatre essay
Some explicit Polaroid

In this essay I will be discussing research I have found about the play I have been working on and performed at a later date, I will also be discussing the rehearsal process and the final performance.  


Some Explicit Polaroids is a searing and disturbing examination of the gulf between the leftist non-conformism of the eighties, and the pleasure-hungry culture of the late nineties.

Nick has been in prison since 1984: the ideals he went to prison for were radical, furious and subversive, but fifteen years later he doesn’t recognise the world he returns to. When he turns up at her door after being released from prison, Nick hardly recognises Helen. She was a fellow militant activist in the eighties, but has now bought a council flat and works in local government. Nick meets Nadia, rescuing her from being beaten up again by her sort-of boyfriend. He meets Tim, Nadia’s best friend, who has AIDS and has to take pills almost constantly. Tim has bought Victor from the internet, where Victor offered his fantastic body to the most exciting bidder. And the reason that Nick went to prison is lurking in the background. Nick finds he doesn’t know how the world works anymore, but he’s still angry with it.

Some Explicit Polaroids was first performed in 1999 at the Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds. 

Whilst doing my research I discovered a very interesting artical with an interview with mark ravenhill, 

In the interview I found out a lot of information about marks natural character, it intrigued me to come to the conclusion that mark writes a lot about controversial stuff and things that are quite hidden in society and brings them 'back to the table' in plays. However he gets a lot of grief from the public, an example would be when he got pushed against the wall and was accused of prompting gay liberation. His work has always prompted extreme reactions but this makes mark more energised, engaged and passionate. 

In the play 'some explicit polaroids' I play Helen, the hidden 'causer' who pretends her actions are not what caused the whole problem in this play. 
It starts of with Helen getting ready to go to a meeting 10 years in the future but take it back 10 years before and she was apart of an extremist group in her early twenties, Nick her former ex lover/extremist fighter turns up on her door step after being in prison for 10 years and expects to be welcomed with open arms and everything to have remained the same. This completely throws Helen as she has been living a lie herself hiding her thoughts away and pretending everything is normal and her actions were not what caused nick to be imprisined but Time has changed her: She’s now a local politician who wants to make it to Parliament, and ex-con anarchists who want to “Eat the Rich” aren’t her cup of tea anymore.

What I have discovered about Helen working on this play/scene is that she is a very selfish character who is living a dream and pretending not only to the world but to herself that she's something she's not. Even though time has changed her she should still be abit more considerate to her ex lover nick as she is what caused him to go into prison by telling him to beat people up brutally. However I think she still longs and loves nick by the pauses and sexual tension in the scene, I think by her seeing him has taken her back to her early twenties mindset. 

When I had first got given the script I was slightly confused on what it was about and the actual structure of the script. ( the '/' and ... And what they symbolised) I had to get up and run through the play before even having an idea on what it was about, after talking to rob and watching other scenes I started to understand what it was about and with further research online. 

The rehearsal process was not as tense as what previous shows had been. It was more independent with using our own knowledge from previous performances and independent research then coming together at the end of the day and getting class feedback and some notes from Rob and Josh. 
My partner 'in crime' was Kurtis
Who played Nick in the scene. I feel we worked extremely we together as we understood and had brief discussion on what we liked and didn't how we could improve it daily. 
The challenges we arosed was the time limit and understanding the characters before the performance giving us a very short time before we had to perform. 
However with techniques and skills we pulled it off making a interesting piece of drama. A technique we had used was myself talking to the front of the audience but talking to Kurtis without turning around illminating character status. 

I think the performance went well considering we didn't really have much time to rehearse together, but when we did we worked in depth. I think the set looked really nice and realistic with the sofa creating a atmosphere but not taking attention away from the actors. 
I think we created an effective piece of drama from the audiences reaction. 

Overall I enjoyed working on this play as I thought it was unusual and the characters were pessimistic and included a topic that's hidden in our society. I think the only thing that could have made the piece better was having a little bit more time to understand and add more techniques and rehearsal time. 

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

10/06/14 lecture with geoff Colman

Today we had a lecture with Geoff Colman discussing ucas points and the difference between uni and drama school also analysing live monologues and restricting them we also spoke about what drama schools are looking for and personal statements.

I thought this lecture was very useful and honest, it's now made me In two frames of mind whether I want to study at uni or drama school in the next coming years and what is the better option for me. It's also taught me how to be myself in a monologue and connect with a experience and being it into it. 

5/06/14 brief talks

Thursday we talked about drama schools,assignments and looked at what we were going to do in the second year and the workshops and visits we have in the coming few days.

Some of the drama schools I am looking in to is rada and royal speech of theatre 

4/06/14 story telling

On Wednesday we came in early for tutorials about our progression to the second year.This was quite a serious lesson and as expected  because it's important.In the lesson we identified what parts of units we have and haven't done individually.Everyone had done pretty much the majority of the assignments needed,we all just had 1 or 2 assignments to top up or finish and that would be that.We also talked about grades,attendance and other criteria needed to progress unto the second year and what it takes to succeed in the next year. 

3/06/14 explicit Polaroids show time

Today was the day of assessment as expected everyone was stressed as usual squeezing in last minute rehearsals including myself, however as my scene is the last scene it gave me loads of time to rehearse the scene with Kurtis and tweak anything that needed it. 
I didn't think it was going to go aswell as it did, I couldn't be happier with the performance as I feel that me and Kurtis showed loads of techniques and confidence while performing, I could tell that the performance had gone better than expected by rob and joshed reaction as they have not really seen me and Kurtis rehearse. 

I feel that we brought to the table and the only thing that could be improved was articulation and understanding of the words. 

2/05/14 explicit Polaroids

In today's lesson we carried on rehearsing. The assessment is tomorrow so everyone is slightly stressed to nail the performance. 
Over my upcoming weeks of learning this play i have come to the ultimate conclusion that it has to be as naturalistic as possible. This is a complete contrast to the work we have been studying previously such as the three sisters and Midsummers night dream as the three sisters was about undercover motives and showing this and inner monologues being portrayed and Midsummers night dream was about the supernatural. This play is very modern and set In a time period very recognisable. This made it hard as we are consistently being told to start of small and work yourself up making a build up. My character is a very hidden character with alot to hide and tries to run away from something which is always going to catch up to her in the near future I'm beginning to feel as if I am demonstrating this well through my body language and facial expressions when she first answers the door I. Shock and not able to look in his eyes. 

28.05.14 filming

my class and I were being filmed in our lesson by someone.
In the lesson we wrote notes about whatever Stanislavski technique we were given  in our groups and presented it to the class. After, two of my classmates showed the progress of their duologues and me and my peers would give constructive feedback

I was then chosen to be interviewed about the college and course and what I feel was good and what could be improved 

27.05.14 show time movement piece

Today I had come in to lesson to be told that I have a movement piece performance in 15 minutes. This teally challenged me as I had to learn the whole routine to peform it in the college corridor/canteen 

The piece was about world war I combining with the dancers and level two   Actors. The piece had tabloids and movement techniques such as flocking when the paper was being thrown in the air symbolising a letter and each woman would one by one catch it and open it. We then done a reaction scene of the 'doom letter' being delivered and the impact it would have on each individual demonstrating through facial expressions of uniqueness. 

We performed it to the college and it went well considering most people had 15 minutes to learn it and it was very unprepared. However I feel that it could have been improved extremely by having more time to create it and having a deeper understanding on World War I, I also feel that it would have created a better impact if the spacing was different and by having music to createoee tension and impact this also would have helped develop a emotional story. 

21.05.14 war monologues

We started the lesson by getting focus in the room, walking around the space as our characters and becoming the role, we then did our performance this was recorded. 
I feel my performance went well puzzling the audience who I was until the end paragraph for them to add the pieces together and understand the deep meaning behind the piece. 

I feel the piece could have been improved by me taking my time and putting emphasis on certain words to create more of an impact 

20.05.14 explicit Polaroids

We went straight into rehearsals talking about the assignment brief and how to achieve a distinction, we then performed to the class and obtaining feedback. My feedback was to exaggerate less and react more to him coming into my home also to have less hand gestures and more so ones that match. I think most of these faults were due to lack of rehearsals as I've had not a lot of time to rehearse with Kurtis and get feedback from rob and josh on what needs to be improved however I have taken this feedback and am now developing how to change it. 

14.05.14 story telling

In the storytelling lesson we paired up and showed our written monologues giving each other feedback and timing it for our performance next week 

13.05.14 explicit Polaroids

Today's lesson with hogs we started with a warm up game something new he had learnt at clowning school. 
Were you put on a red nose and come on stage and do absolutely NOTHING and seeing the audiences response and what your body language was releasing without you knowing this was interesting as you could see awkwardness wity characters shy characters and just funny characters without them even saying or moving themselves but just the energy. 

After lunch we came back and rehearsed our scenes and one by one got called into the room to show. 

12.05.14 explicit Polaroids and storytelling

During today's morning lesson we just done short rehearsals, I feel that I'm beginning to understand the play more and what has gone on that Helena my character had caused the whole problem within her life and is trying to run away from something that will always catch up to her. 

During storytelling/physical theatre 
We done war tabloids. My group was sarah, Emma, Mischali and grace. We decided to choose something abit out of the box and to get the audiences mind ticking. Our first tabloid was a woman in a bomb shelter with a hadsdk we demonstrated this by grace emma and Mischali being the bomb shelter pushing against myself on the ground to show a small compressed space with my hands covering my mouth outwards. 

My second tabloid was a son/husband being dragged away from his family showing what actually happened to the men who didn't want to serve the nation 

10.05.14 explicit Polaroids

Today I watched other people do their script analysing and giving feedback on what I thought worked and what could be improved. 
I watched tutu and roni who are doing the same scene in explicit Polaroids the same as Kurtis and myself. Their feedback was to feed off of each other making it quick snappy and naturalistic something a complete contrast to Midsummers night dream. 

After I attended blog catching up and having a chat to Rebecca about my overall attendance and second year. After this talk I took it upon myself to call a meeting with Charlie the head of the department and discuss second year and my targets. 


Today I finished writing my monologue here is a written copy of it 

Explicit Polaroid 8.05.14


 Nick was in prison for 15 years because of a politically motivated murder attempt. Free at last, he feels like a stranger in a strange land. Helen, his ex-lover and partner in revolution, is a member of the city council and deals with prosaic matters like street lights and bus schedules. She wants nothing to do with Nick and refuses to take him in. On his journey through the big city jungle, Nick meets the go-go dancer, Nadja, and her two gay friends Tim and Victor.

All three are part of the new apolitical fun generation whose search for the meaning of life means indulging in trash culture, drugs, the fashion and piercing lifestyle and a desperate/aggressive sexuality. Nick is completely bewildered and disorientated as his strict Marxism is at odds with the modern Britain of retail and consumption and by the reigning fun generation‘s lack of interest in “true values”.

Confronted by his erstwhile victim, Jonathan, Nick realises that his old enemy, a global money player, is no longer a worthy adversary...

The images Ravenhill uses to depict social reality are garish and provocative, but genuine. He tantalises us with snapshots of a rapidly changing world in which the old views of society have long since lost their validity. Political utopias and lifestyles collide with the trash and fun culture of modern day Britain and merge disastrously in an abyss of capriciousness.

Here is some research I have found out about the play I am doing. We worked on script today rehearsing and tweaking stuff that needs work on we then perfomed it. My feedback was to really connect to my inner monologue that my world has now been turnt upside down and I have been reminded of all the damage I had caused in the past back to haunt me. 

7.05.14 storytelling

Todays lesson with Sharon we started a new topic about world war 1. 
We had a discussion last week about what we knew about World War One leading knowledge from each other to start to write a monologue this week. 

We had 3 sheets of paper this gathered information about what our character was how is it feeling and each paper would develop more and more until the last paper was a draft to start our monologues at home. My chosen character was the ground. 

This is a difficult character to achieve but however is unique and interesting to understand putting in extra effort to understand through my own understanding and stanislavski's method 'magic if' what if I was a war field what would I be feeling. I feel that the ground would feel quite abused and not thought about I give other people life for them to destroy their own.  

6.05.14 explicit Polaroid

Today's lesson was with josh. 
We started the lesson with a warm up game called 'suspicion' this game consisted of two people in the room having a coin in their hand and the rest of the class had to guess who it was by walking around in the space and analysing each others body language. 
I thought this game was beneficial for both players as it taught the analysers to analyse and unreal hidden emotions and benifted the coin holders by being able to hide emotions in the acting world and develop a fake 'lie' / mask. 

We then split into our groups to rehearse our new given play 'explicit Polaroids' I'm working with Kurtis and Abigail. We decided to rehearse in the park as we thought it was a nice clear atmosphere to start off in.  

We then came back into the class to show what we had rehearsed and come up with. My feedback was to show uneasyness that my ex partner who had just come out of prison has turned up at my door step my world has been turnt upside down and I want him out. My body language should show this by not standing still. 

28.04.14 site reading

We started the lesson with a vocal warm up, this was good as we are now starting to get back into an older routine before Midsummers night dream and begin to train our voices and be more articulated as we grew out of this habit. Akele took the warm up; we did 'oo oh ode' and tongue twisters such as red lorry yellow lorry. 

Rob then introduced us into something we hadn't done before, this was cold sight reading. There were 6 chairs lined and on each chair was a paper we had to pick up and read (cold) the paper could include anything such as history context, advertisement or poems. I had picked up an advertisement. I knew it was a advertisement by the language structure after the first sentence, it was very up beat and the text was selling itself about how to live your life to fill advantage. 

My feedback from the class was to stop moving around, and to slow down. I believe the 'dancing' was due to nerves and also the fast talking too 

We then spoke about how to contain those nerves and what auditioners are looking for when they give you something to cold sight read. 

I thought this lesson was very useful as it gave me the knowledge to prepare myself for upcoming auditions.