Criminal justice - term one
Today was show time, we was off to the Donmar warehouse to perform our final piece to the other colleges and schools. We started off with a quick warmup of 'fefifo' what else? This game allows us to build energy and gain focus also warming up our vocals to project and have a clear speech for the performance.
We had then ran the play through quickly but sharply putting in lights and sound the show had finally come together and in my eyes send shivers up the audiences spines.
The beginning is Emma entering the scene singing 'on my own' with the rest of the team slowly entering too finding our own spot on the stage showing our individual stories of rose.
We then go on telling roses story of how she got into solitary confinement having flashbacks of her with her family and girlfriend and not forgetting her much loved and desisted baby daughter who she yerns for throughout the play.
A great moment when j believe we achieved outstanding impact was the scene showing why she was in solitary confident with us screaming and shouting at the audience as if they was the person she was about to kill and then FREEZE *stab* and the knife dropped... We then slowly creep back onto the floor "back in solitary confinement". I believe this scene left the audience startled yet energised by our vocals.
I loved performing this piece as I think we really did 'rock' it and connected with the character emotionally the step by step progress with Naomi helped extremely for us to connect with the character and really be her and her story I think this portrayed through our performances and left the audience with goosebumps it wS fully energised and sharp, snappy and to the point which I loved.
Term two - Wealth.
Unfortunately thoughout term to I have been able to have full attendance to these lessons as I have been ill and has been noteded. However when I was in I really enjoyed working and devising this topic is was a 'iffy' one as wealth is such a big topic and could mean anything.
The play was based on a homeless guy called 'Freddie' who cried out from help in 30 years time and was rejected by everyone even family and friends he then becomes homeless gaining a new family on the streets of London and has a 'non-genius' idea of robbing Barclays Bank who eventually help him in the long run after trying to attack.
The scene I personally devised was Freddie running through a baracade of people in war; they all grab onto Freddie dragging him to the ground holding onto his last pull and shove and then broken free this shows how life has dragged Freddie to the bottom but he we still make it.
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