Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Classical theatre - rob 11/12/13

Today we came into class an hour earlier than usual to rehearse as today was assessment day. Our scene went well although I forgot my line for a split second. I think I could improve this by rehearsing my lines more and adding physical movements to remember I thought I did well on quickly coming back after forgetting and carrying on with the scene perfectly. 

I still need to work on my th's although they have improved they still need abit of work on I could do this by practicing everyday and every night. 
And working particularly on that in vocal classes with rob 

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Physical movement - josh 9/10/13

Today was performance day for the movement piece we prepared I two lessons, the piece is Romeo and Juliet African version.. We discovered this through the music josh had choose. 

During the hour rehearsal everyone was focused and determined to get everything spot on for when rob and Sharon arrived to watch. 

Everything went perfectly and the dramatic ending of Mario killing Kurtis(Romeo) and Andrea (Juliet) standing there watching completely heart broken really pulled on everyone's heart strings. 

Vocal - rob 9/12/13

In vocal lesson with rob we went over the script "three sisters" set In the country side of Russia. Were everyone longs to go back to Moscow. 

During the rehearsal I had a brief chat with rob about the show we went to watch the Friday before, and my interpretation on it and how my opinion was certain things didn't match the piece. However talking to rob my opinion slightly changed as some things only a director or reading the script then you would understand. 

While rehearsing we changed a few things to make the scene more realistic. My first line is "don't cry my dear child don't cry, it hurts me" I'm trying to portray the line as 'fake' Olga doesn't really care about irena crying however I would say the line in a 'song like' way not portraying what I was trying to do however rob picked up on this and to me to aim for a different emotion to change the way I say the line. 

Also rob corrected the way Wendy stood whole saying her line about loving vershinin, we decided it was best she came down stage and Olga comes up to her saying the line " nethertheless I don't want to hear it.." Popping masha's bubble. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Blogging lesson

5/12/13 principles of acting - rob

We just went straight into rehearsals of the three sisters, grace wasn't in to play irena so rob stepped in. After he gave us notes and said I have a few glottals, oooh oooo orrrrrrr exercise will help this. 

4/12/13 - movement -Sharon

Today we went to the roundhouse theatre to do a workshop 'spoken words'
With Kat. 
We started off doing a game moving seats and taking away chairs when our fruit name was called.  
Kat then showed us her spoken word poem about tube rage and puberty 
We then was told to make our own poems in groups of 5 with the titles I remember about childhood memories. 
Our one included food, games, childhood scars. 
It went well when we performed it and Kat came up to me after lesson finished and said it was really good and I have a talent for writing. 

Physical theatre - josh 2/12/13 fish
3. Group war
4. Sam Mario fight 
5.kings cross , Romeo and Juliet left in middle
7. Jumps 
8. Ending dance 

Voice- rob 2/12/13

Today we rehearsed the three sisters going in chronological order to show how our performance would look. 

27/11/13 tutorial rob

We was talking about what drama schools and uni's we could go to after college and gave us a website

Principles of acting - rob 26/11/13

We were learning our scripts 
"Three sisters"
Rehearsing with josh and rob receiving notes on how to move and showing our inner characters emotions 

Movement - josh 25/11/13

We came into lesson and was told we are going to perform a movement piece on what we've been doing in movement class. 
We all came up with the idea of doing a tribal style on Romeo and Juliet adding in the starfish jumps yoga flocking and a small dance at the end 

Voice - rob 25/11/13

We started the lesson with voice exercises "oooh ooooo orrrrrr" 
We then had to get our own chosen poems and do an exercise moving to a different person in 3 minutes 
My poem is called " when I wear purple" about an old woman rebelling against society and becoming anti social. 

We then got given noted and mine was to slow down, move the voice and work on glottals. 

Principles of acting - rob 21/11/13

Today we done scripts of the ' three sisters' we got told who we are playing and to understand the script is nothing about nothing but us as actors need to make it something. 
I play Olga. 

Classical - josh 19/11/13

We played a half similar to dodge ball which had two groups who have to dodge the ball in order not to be kicked out. 
We had to know what are the best things in order for our team to work 
- confidence 
- teamwork 
- presersuerance 
- eye contact 
And focus which all links to being on stage 
We also played another game which consisted of 9 squares and the person in the middle was king, we all had to work as a team to get the king out. If the ball bounced once I. Your square you'd have to bounce it out pnto someone else's or your out. 
This game is linked to teamwork like being on stage 
We then done skipping the rope was going and we had to jump in and repeat the line " my name is jade ward McFarlane I am at Westminster kingsway and I am major" in a loud energetic exciting way. This links to being on stage as the longer you wait to jump in the longer your audience is waiting for you the less energetic you are in saying your lines you loose your audience and become a minor. 

Physical movement - josh 18/11/13

We started off the lesson with watching a YouTube clip about flocking birds in the winter month, it's an unexplanatry natural movement they do in unison. They start out in small groups and more join it's a activity they do to warm their body for the cold winter nights when the moment is right they move in a way that is impossible to create an image of a wave it happens everyday in the winter months. We then practiced this movement by getting into partners and two lines facing each other trying to move back and forth in a sinced movement we then got in a big circle and done this all together until each one of us was flocking. 

Voice - rob 18/11/13

We started off the lesson with tongue twisters "Richards wretched rachet wrench" and "a loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule" 
I struggled with the second tongue twister as it was hard to grab the 'w's this is something I need to work on we then done our ooh oo Orr sounds and breathing exercises we then got notes mine was to work on my glottals and slivering s's we then looked at a poem called ozymandias by Percy bysshe Shelley 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Movement 16/10/13

Today was SHOW DAY! 
We came into class and level 2s and ourselves rehearsed together each group being quiet for the group performing, we then went on a lunch break before performing at lunch me and Sam were running our lines then I quickly went to change before entering the theatre. 

We watched the certificate music, certificate drama, dance, level2s and then we were up! We all sat behind stage quietly waiting for are que, then it was me I went on stage thankfully remembering every line and action and then exited. We waited for everyone to go on stage and then we all bowed 

I think all the performances went very well and am proud of everybody as we only had a short time to get a quite difficult play ready. 

Classical theatre 15/10/10

As the performance was one day away we spent the whole lesson rehearsing, Lucia took videos and pictures of us performing to give an insight on what we look like. 

Here's terithias (me) and Oedipus (Sam) rehearsing our scene. 

Vocal 14/10/13

We came into lesson doing short vocal warmups and got straight down into rehearsing, while rob wrote feedback and told us after each group performed. 

We then went into the theatre to watch the music department perform their induction pieces 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Classical theatre 10/10/13

We ran our plays one by one while rob directed us. We then took it into the theatre and each group performed their play showing us what it may be like on the day and how loud we need to project and how to work the space. 

Movement 9/10/13

Sharon separated the class into our play groups (Oedipus, Medea, Antigone) and told each group to come to her at a different time to discuss our assignment was which to be given. 

While my group waited to be called we line ran outside robs class. 

Principles of acting 8/10/13

we rehearsed our plays as the show is next week Wednesday, we watched the other plays also giving feedback. 
Rob also gave us notes on what we need to improve on such as, taking my time and pausing on the line "you".

Movement 7/10/13

Josh taught Sharon's lesson and started off by warming us up with music! Doing exercises to allow our body to move. 

He then layed out three yoga mats, putting them in pacific places running around it in a certain 'routine' one by one. 
He then took them away making us remember where they were and pretending it was still there. Emma, Lou, Connor and Eliot made it believable that it was still there. 
The exercise showed us that even though nothing was there it was still in our memory (just how it is when learning lines on a script) it also showed us about team work, when nobody was going someone can jump in and save it (like being on stage when someone forgets their lines etc) it also shows team work. 

We then made 4 lines jumping in 2's up to 8s in correct timing while music was playing. This made us focus hard as you would on stage and not pay attention to any noise going on around you but to still stay focused and continue. 

Vocal 7/10/13

Rob started off the lesson with vocal warmups and 'loosening&moving' the body. We done tongue twisters such as 'thirty thousand fish thought of frying fish' I need to improve on my 'th's' by practicing every morning and night. 

We then worked on scripts and josh took  the Oedipus group into the drama studio and watched our play and suggested things/actions we could improve on or do. We came up with the idea that Eliot would bring me on stage (terithias) as he is blind and would allow the audience to open up and understand the play. 

Storytelling 12/09/13

First Sharon told the class to lay on the floor getting us into character and focus to start work.
she began by giving us our stimulus, this was to think about how we got to westminister kingsway college today, this could be from far back or waking up this morning. she then told us to mime it.
i started by sitting up miming the exam hall and then going back to sleep then my morning trip to college.

we then got paired up telling our partners our story to then pair up with another pair and tell your partners story, Sharon then told us she would like us to create a short scene demonstrating a mix of all four stories or one persons story to college: we decided to do a mix. 

we used our bodies to create objects such as tables, chairs, bedframes and dentist chairs we also created noises to demonstrate this object.
we then performed it to the class.

StoryTelling 11.09.13

First Sharon told the class to lay on the floor getting us into character and focus to start work.
she began by giving us our stimulus, this was to think about how we got to westminister kingsway college today, this could be from far back or waking up this morning. she then told us to mime it.
i started by sitting up miming the exam hall and then going back to sleep then my morning trip to college.

we then got paired up telling our partners our story to then pair up with another pair and tell your partners story, Sharon then told us she would like us to create a short scene demonstrating a mix of all four stories or one persons story to college: we decided to do a mix. 

we used our bodies to create objects such as tables, chairs, bedframes and dentist chairs we also created noises to demonstrate this object.
we then performed it to the class.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

3/10/13 principles of acting

We began the session with 'hot seating' the characters Antigone, Medea, Jason. Asking them questions such as "didn't it pain you to kill your children" ( to Emma who played Medea) her reply was she didn't wanna see her kids go through the pain she is going through after loosing Jason. 
Rob then told us to get our scripts and looked at different actions we could do on different lines to make the script more interesting and real. 
My character is terithias his scene is with Oedipus (Sam plays) my action was to laugh at oedipuses anger and pleads being sarcastic afterwards to make Oedipus wound up. 

2/10/13 story telling

I came into class and Sharon told us to sit in a circle and tell the story of Cinderella one sentence a person we then started walking in the space with no story/no mood, Sharon then told us to think about the characters from Cinderella and then we had to mime their movement she first called out Cinderella so I swept the floor then Sharon called out a fairy godmother who is quite jolly and makes wishes come true so I skipped round the space imagining a wand then Sharon said a evil sister so I over exaggerated the movement by being monster like. We then got into groups of 5 and were told to perform the story of Cinderella we made tweaks to the story so it was less classic and humorous for the audience. At the end of the class Sharon gave us notes and to think about the stuff written on the board  

1/10/13 classical theatre

I came into class and everyone seated. Rob then spoke to us about the Greek plays we are performing on the 14th of October. We then pulled out are scripts and split the class. Oedipus and Antigone were in one class and Medea were in the other. We started rehearsing; starting with Oedipus, my character is Teiresias so me and Sam performed our joint scene. After lunch we came back in the room with rob giving us notes on our performance. My notes were to think about my character being more sarcastic and tormentive. 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Principles of acting     19.09.13

Rob never turnt up for lesson so the class read the script of Oedipus, Medea, Antigone and each individual decided what parts they would like to play and we then researched on the web the themes of each play.
Storytelling          18.09.13

We started off the lesson by Sharon making us walk in the space and imagining/miming that we are getting ready for a party, it could be any party we then done freeze frames of a party. we the grouped into 5 and wrote down what we think makes a good story. we then picked a spokes person for each group and wrote it on the board explaining what we thought.

we then halved the class and everybody collected their objects for their story they will tell their circle.
my story was true about being caught in the middle of a mass burglary in westfield stratford.
Classical Theatre     17.09.13

Rob started off the lesson with the one minute game, he split us into groups of 5 and questioning us all on antigone, medea, oedipus.

we then worked on tongue twisters strengthing our vocals and articulation

Rob then took us into the theatre and gave us a small script/tonguetwister we then went back upstairs. rob gave us feedback on what we need to work on which was me 'TH's' and movement and 'S'.